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Great Little Books from England
Antique Jewellery Duncan James Softbound $24.95 |
Biscuit Tins Tracy Dolphin Softbound $9.95 |
Blue and White Transfer-Printed Pottery Robert Copeland Softbound $11.95 |
Board and Table Game Antiques R. C. Bell Softbound $8.95 |
British Railways' Steam Locomotives F. G. Cockman Softbound $14.95 |
British Tea and Coffee Cups 1745 - 1940 Steven Goss Softbound $10.95 |
Bronze Age Copper Mining William O' Brien Softbound $12.95 |
Corkscrews and Bottle Openers Evan Perry Softbound $8.95 |
Decorative Leadwork P. M. Sutton-Goold Softbound $8.95 |
Discovering Antique Maps Alan G. Hodgkiss Softbound $15.95 |
Discovering Church Architecture Mark Child Softbound $10.95 |
Discovering Hallmarks on English Silver John Bly Softbound $14.95 |
Discovering Heraldry Jacqueline Fearn Softbound $12.95 |
Domestic Bygones Jacqueline Fearn Softbound $8.95 |
Domestic Ducks and Geese Fred Hams Softbound $10.95 |
Early Armoured Cars E. Bartholomew Softbound $8.95 |
Early Electric Trains R.l. Vickers Softbound $8.50 |
Electric Vehicles Nick Georgano Softbound $8.95 |
English Windsor Chairs Ivan G. Sparkes Softbound $8.95 |
Falconry Emma Ford Softbound $8.95 |
Follies Jeffery W. Whitelaw Softbound $8.95 |
Gertrude Jekyll Betty Massingham Softbound $10.95 |
Glossary Of Garden History Michael Symes Softbound $20.95 |
Historic Ships M. K. Stammers Softbound $8.95 |
Horse Cabs Trevor May Softbound $8.95 |
Industrial Steam Locomotives Geoffrey Hayes Softbound $8.95 |
Ironworking W. K. V. Gale Softbound $8.95 |
Jugs R. K. Henrywood Softbound $8.95 |
Marble Clocks Peter Wotton and Bri... Softbound $8.95 |
Mazes Adrian Fisher and Di... Softbound $8.95 |
Old Fishing Tackle Nigel Dowden Softbound $8.95 |
Old Gramophones Ben Bergonzi Softbound $8.95 |
Old Horseshoes Ivan G. Sparkles Softbound $8.95 |
Old Letter Boxes Martin Robinson Softbound $10.95 |
Old Lorries John Woodhams Softbound $8.95 |
Old Radio Sets Jonathan Hill Softbound $10.95 |
Old Telephones Andrew Emmerson Softbound $8.95 |
Old Toys Pauline Flick Softbound $8.50 |
Old Trams Keith Turner Softbound $8.95 |
Old Trolleybuses David Kaye Softbound $8.95 |
Pewter Charles Hull Softbound $8.95 |
Ploughs and Ploughing Roy Brigden Softbound $8.95 |
Pottery In Roman Britian Guy de la Bedoyere Softbound $14.95 |
Quarries and Quarrying Peter Stanier Softbound $8.95 |
Royal Crown Derby Margaret Sargeant Softbound $12.00 |
Samplers Pamela Clabburn Softbound $10.95 |
Ships' Figureheads M. K. Stammmers Softbound $8.50 |
Smoking Antiques Amoret & Christopher... Softbound $8.95 |
Snuff Ursula Bourne Softbound $8.95 |
Spinning and Spinning Wheels Eliza Leadbeater Softbound $8.95 |